Emergency Plans

Emergency Plans


MHC Emergency Help for Equines & Equine Owners

Manitoba Horse Council has maintained a resource list of individuals and businesses that have generously offered to aid equines and equine owners in an emergency situation (eg. flood evacuation) by providing temporary stabling / acreage for equines, or equine transportation.

Note: This does not constitute emergency veterinarian care or regular situations and duties overseen by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or city police (911)

Equine Emergency Assistance

MHC will provide contact details of those able to provide assistance closest to where you / your equine is situated. 

Contact the MHC office at (204) 925-5718

Contact the refuge / transportation provider(s) and make arrangements

Note: MHC has no involvement in the arrangements made between you and the refuge / transportation provider

Refuge / transportation providers will not all be able to provide the same accommodations or services, including the number of equine(s) they are able to assist.

You may likely be required to provide your own care for your equine(s) at the refuge provided.

I would like to provide emergency assistance. How can I help?

Are you willing and able to provide help to equines / equine owners in an emergency? Please contact the MHC office. Your name and details will only be released to those seeking assistance.

Remember: When providing assistance or refuge to unknown equines, or boarding your equines at an unfamiliar property due to evacuation, be sure take proper safety and biosecurity measures. Please see the Biosecurity page for more information. 

Emergency Action Plan

Customize an EAP for your facility or property today!

An EAP should be available to all clients, coaches, and others who access your site. Download a template below provided by the Equestrian Canada/NCCP Coaching program.




Responding to Animal Disasters

A presentation example provided by the Alberta Government and Alberta Equestrian Federation.



Automatic Coverages included with your MHC membership


The Personal Liability coverage includes non-commercial care, custody and control of up to a maximum of 3 non-owned horses including Legal Liability for Non-Owned Horses of $10,000.00 per horse/ $50,000.00 per accident.

Transportation Insurance for Non-Owned Horses protects against lawsuits for death of someone’s horse while you are transporting that horse subject to a limit of $10,000.00 per horse / $50,000.00 per accident and excluding commercial transportation of horses.


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Contact Us

Diane David - Executive Director
(204) 925-5719
[email protected]

Kylee Tonita - Technical Coordinator
Coaching, Officials & Events
[email protected]

Kelly Roe - Manager
Equestrian Facility
(April to Oct)

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