
How to Become an Official

Manitoba Horse Council recognizes both our own Provincial Officials and those who have been approved by organizations such as Equestrian Canada, AQHA, and other affiliations. 

MHC Provincial Officials Program

Manitoba Horse Council is pleased to offer a Provincial Officials Program (POP) for those wishing to to become involved in the sport as equestrian officials. POP offers training and professional development to recruit and sustain our sport with well-trained officials. 


  • Be 18 years of age or older (16+ may be in training)
  • Be a member in good standing with MHC
  • For some official certifications, competition experience relevant to the position will be required
  • Sport Manitoba Respect in Sport
  • Provincial Foundations Course (see below)
  • Complete the Mentoring Form or Foundations Course

Application Form

Safe Sport requirements (highly recommended)

  • MHC-approved concussion awareness training (i.e. Making Headway in Sport)
  • MHC-approved Safe Sport requirements (Make Ethical Decisions)

Provincial Foundations Course

We are happy to announce our collaboration with Equine Guelph for our Provincial Foundations Program! 

This course will be self-paced and there is a full year granted to complete this 25 – 30 hour prerequisite training to work towards becoming a Foundations Judge. Candidates will be learning the responsibilities of Judges at the grass-root levels, in order to officiate for multi-disciplined or general performance provincial shows.

As role models, Foundation Judges create a safe environment for equine sport at local shows, upholding rules, ensuring fair play, and equine welfare. Whether judging objective or subjective classes, entry level judges can help build sport and long-term athletes.

Foundation judges will encounter multiple breeds and athletes from various walks of life including: the novice, those preparing to move up the levels and the more mature athlete that is active for life. The online program will help future judges or current discipline-specific judges in focusing on the essence of each class and introduce the tools to judge a variety of classes with consistency. Topics include Western Performance, Western Speed Division, Showmanship, Flat, Hunter, Jumper, Equitation over Fences, Dressage and Pleasure Driving.

The cost of the program as of July 2023 is $75 for MHC members.

Visit Equine Guelph to register!

EC Officials 

From judges to stewards to course designers, officials are instrumental to competitions; ensuring participants can enjoy a safe, fair and fun equestrian sport.

The application process to become an EC official varies by type of official and discipline. See Discipline-specific EC Rules for full information. 

Visit Equestrian Canada Website

EC certifies the following general types of officials:

  • Course Designers
  • Equine Medication Control Technicians
  • Judges
  • Stewards
  • Technical Delegates
  • Para-Equestrian Classifiers
  • Veterinarians



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Contact Us

Diane David - Executive Director
(204) 925-5719
[email protected]

Kylee Tonita - Technical Coordinator
Coaching, Officials & Events
[email protected]

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