Governance & Contacts

Discover your Manitoba Horse Council


Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) is a not-for-profit organization representing 23 clubs and 1900 individual members involved in equine activity in Manitoba. MHC is the recognized provincial/territorial sport organization for equestrian sport in Manitoba.


Our Vision:

United by our lifelong passion for horses.

Our Mission:

The Manitoba Horse Council is a safe and welcoming member-based community fostering respect for our equine companions and the growth of equine-related activities.

Our Values:

Our values inform and guide everything we do.

Welfare We prioritize the health, well-being, and safety of our horses and our members.

Education We support an environment that continuously motivates all members to learn and grow.

Respect We understand each other's differences and our different roles. Treating each other with respect makes it easier for us to achieve common goals.

Community We strive to create safe and welcoming spaces for our members to connect with each other.

Acceptance We work to create authentic and meaningful relationships by understanding other people's perspectives.

Integrity We conduct ourselves with honesty, take ownership of our work and strive for the best possible results.

Excellence We encourage and celebrate the achievements of our members.


Important documents for members

MHC Bylaws
2023-2026 Strategic Plan
2024 Board Nomination Package
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Conflict of Interest
Respect in Sport
Discipline and Complaints
2022 AGM Minutes
2023 Members Survey Results

Board of Directors

Manitoba Horse Council is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Directors meet monthly (or more frequently when special issues arise) from September through June. Directors serve a three year term, and new or returning directors are elected by the Council of Clubs representatives at the Annual General Meeting.

Lana Stevenson - President

Angela Janz - Vice President, Governance

Eryn Butterfield - Vice President, Equestrian Facility

Vacant - Vice President, Finance

Geri Sweet - Past President

Jack Boughen  

Tanis Jones  

Wanda McFadyen

Sarah Read 

Katie Webb 

Robert Wuskynyk

Sport Manitoba is the lead planning, programming and funding agency for the development of amateur sport in our province. Sport Manitoba partners with more than 100 provincial organizations, including MHC, to deliver sport in the province. The primary focus of Sport Manitoba is the development of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers.

MHC receives support and funding from Sport Manitoba through an annual agreement with appropriate terms and conditions for which each party are accountable for fulfilling.

Learn More

MHC Land Acknowledgement

Manitoba Horse Council Inc. acknowledges that we operate on the original land and gathering place of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. We respect the Treaties that were made on these lands, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we strive to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration. Every time we acknowledge this truth, we have an invitation and an opportunity to reflect on what we do and the actions we can take to make Manitoba a better place for everyone who lives here. 


The 2023-2026 MHC Strategic Plan and 2024 Bylaw Review proudly developed with support from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries

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Contact Us

Diane David - Executive Director
(204) 925-5719
[email protected]

Kylee Tonita - Technical Coordinator
Coaching, Officials & Events
[email protected]

Kelly Roe - Manager
Equestrian Facility
(April to Oct)

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