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Equine Biosecurity

BIOSECURITY: Horse health starts on the farm. Biosecurity: Measures that prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases.

Biosecurity planning helps to ensure that practices routinely carried out on your farm are beneficial to the health of your horse(s). By adopting the guidelines below and working with a veterinarian you can play a significant role in keeping your horses and your industry as healthy as possible.


Learn To Ride

What is Equestrian? Getting Started P'tit Trot Program Beginning Riding Lessons English Riding Western Riding Other Disciplines Upcoming Learn to Ride Events

Learning to Ride

So your child loves horses and has expressed a desire to ride? Or maybe you as adult want to start the sport of equestrian and you are not sure where to begin?

You don’t have to incur the expenses of buying and boarding a horse to learn to ride.

Taking lessons at a facility which offers school horses can be the best way for you and yours to begin their equestrian journey.

Choosing a riding facility can seem like a daunting task but there are things you can look for and questions you can ask to help you make an informed decision. Our downloadable Guide for New Riders now available! Click to download PDF version or request a hard copy from the office. Please use the links above to get more information on how to get started on your horse journey... Further questions can be directed to the MHC office at (204) 925-5718 ...


Getting Started

Just starting out or getting back in the saddle?

Whether you are ready to take your first lesson, or are interested in finding a new place to ride, Manitoba Horse Council is here for you! We understand that the journey into horse sports can be overwhelming, and we want to help simplify the process. Below you will find a collection of links to help you step into the equestrian world.

It is never too late to rekindle your love of horses. If you’re thinking about getting back into the saddle after some time away, you’re not alone – over half of current riders have chosen to take a prolonged period of time out of the saddle at some point, so you're in good company.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve all but forgotten how to ride or you’ve just taken a short break, there’s a place to get back in the saddle at whatever level you want.

Horse riding is a great way to socialize, learn new skills and boost your sense of wellbeing. While riding may feel daunting, with the right horse and ...


Emergency Plans

Emergency Plans

MHC Emergency Help for Equines & Equine Owners

Manitoba Horse Council has maintained a resource list of individuals and businesses that have generously offered to aid equines and equine owners in an emergency situation (eg. flood evacuation) by providing temporary stabling / acreage for equines, or equine transportation. Note: This does not constitute emergency veterinarian care or regular situations and duties overseen by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or city police (911)


Athlete Development

Athlete Development Grants Athlete Development Resources

Horses inspire, motivate, engage and reward us. The Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) & Long Term Equestrian Development (LTED) models strives to cement the lifelong relationship between horse and athlete. As models, LTAD and LTED provides the Canadian equestrian community with a vision to help us improve our infrastructure, programs and initiatives to ensure the best opportunities are available for all athletes and participants – whatever their personal goals or stage of development. It serves as our true north.

Long-Term Equestrian Development 2.0 Information: Horses inspire, motivate, engage and reward us. LTED 2.0 is an athlete development model built upon proven sport principles and customized to equestrian athletes. It provides a clear and effective pathway for all equestrian athletes - regardless of age, experience, or discipline - to enjoy equestrian sport, whether they aim to compete for Canada on the world stage, or ride, drive ...


Become A Sponsor

MHC represents over 2,000 equine enthusiasts

Equestrians love their horses and the industry. It's important to us that we support them as much as we can so they can help make the horse industry thrive in Manitoba.

If you feel that your business is a good fit and have products or services our members can benefit from, we'd love to hear from you. We’ll work with you to set up marketing opportunities that’ll highlight your business to our community.



NOMINATE SOMEONE FOR AN AWARD Recognizing and celebrating excellence is a way to boost our collective confidence and motivation. The Manitoba Horse Council Annual Awards honour the achievements of deserving members within our equine community. These awards are a way to acknowledge those individuals who make a positive difference to our community and those who make significant strides in their discipline. The Awards committee encourages those submitting nominations to include as much detail as possible to help define their nominee’s impact and achievement. Download criteria Nomination Deadline: March 31 Award Nomination Forms: EC Licensed Coach of the Year MHC Provincial Coach of the Year Athlete of the Year (Adult and Youth) Sportsperson of the Year Volunteer of the Year Equine of the Year (Sport and Non-sport) Facility/Stable of the Year Official of the Year MHC Legacy Award General Requirements

Nominations are only accepted through the online nomination forms. Nominators must be MHC members, or the ...


Learn to Ride

Learn to Ride

The following riding/driving programs are supported by MHC. Ask your coach/instructor/trainer which program they use in their lessons.

Only EC licensed and NCCP certified coaches/instructors can evaluate riders in the EC Learn to Ride program

Coach Directory

The Equestrian Canada (EC), Learn to Ride program is aimed at individuals who wish to become well-rounded riders, able to care for, understand and ride their horses in a correct and safe manner. The Program is available for both English and Western Disciplines. English Rider Level 1-10

Introduces the basics of horsemanship and rider skills covering the basics of riding progressing in skill and learning to Level 10 for high performance athletes. Western Rider Levels 1-4

Begins with the basics and progresses to speed and performance classes. Wish to be evaluated?

Complete the Candidate Application Form . Are you a facility who wishes to host an evaluation?
Complete the Host application Form.

Are you a ...





How to Become an Official

Manitoba Horse Council recognizes both our own Provincial Officials and those who have been approved by organizations such as Equestrian Canada, AQHA, and other affiliations.


Resources for Coaches

Coach Grants & Resources

Sport Manitoba, its partners, as well as local and national philanthropists offer a number of scholarships annually, with the shared goal of highlighting athletic success in the province and providing opportunities for those involved in sport to continue growing within their chosen discipline.

Resources and Funding



A pathway to safer sport

Safe Sport is an environment where individuals can have a healthy, supportive, and respectful sport experience, free from all forms of harassment and abuse. The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport calls for all sporting environments to be free from physical, sexual and psychological abuse.


Recreational Trails

Use the Trails Guide from your phone!

Click the button below to access this great feature!

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Grants & Resources

Athlete Scholarships & Grants


R.D. Payne Equine Scholarship

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an individual striving to advance their equestrian abilities and, ultimately, pursue a career in the equine industry. Deadline to apply: 4:30 p.m. Second Friday in September.

Learn More


Membership Information

Membership Information

If you are a brand new member OR have been a MHC member in the past who has not used the online membership system before, please create an initial User Name and Password by using the Sign Up page ( you'll be asked to create an account by providing basic contact information):


Road Safety Handbook

Promoting safe road sharing for horses and vehicles

Hand Signals used by Horse Riders According to Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act, horse riders and drivers of horse-drawn carriages have the same right to use the road as other users and must follow the same rules, but many motorists, bikers, cyclists and other road users are unaware of their own responsibilities in road sharing.

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Contact Us

Diane David - Executive Director
(204) 925-5719
[email protected]

Kylee Tonita - Technical Coordinator
Coaching, Officials & Events
[email protected]

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