Search Results for grants
Athlete Scholarships & Grants
R.D. Payne Equine Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an individual striving to advance their equestrian abilities and, ultimately, pursue a career in the equine industry. Deadline to apply: 4:30 p.m. Second Friday in September.
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Scholarships and Bursaries now available
The Manitoba Foundation for Sports (MFFS) scholarships, Coaching Manitoba bursaries, and Fleming Family Hockey Coach scholarship applications are now available online for review. Please review each application to find your best fit.
Check this link for more information
Support for Member Clubs
MHC member Clubs have access to financial assistance through various programs and grants: $2,500 Annual Recreation Grant in total to approved projects. Applications may be received from Member Clubs and individual members for projects designed to aid and enhance the development of recreation-specific projects. MHC's Provincial Clinic Support program is designed to aid Clubs in providing high-caliber clinics and workshops to its members, subject to a maximum available per approved clinic/Club in a calendar year. Program Support Grants available twice each year to support club activities such as clinics, competitions, volunteer awards, bursaries, and equipment purchase/maintenance. The grants are funded by Sport Manitoba and MHC is responsible for reporting activities in a way which supports the Integrated Funding Formula applied by annually by MHC.
Club Information
Officials Grants and Assistance
Manitoba Horse Council Officials Assistance Programs
Under construction.
Women to Watch is a grant program administered and funded by Sport Manitoba designed to assist young girls and women to further their development in their chosen sport and progress to the next level. Grants of $500 will be awarded to an athlete, official or coach who identifies as female and meets the criteria listed below. Please note that application submission does not guarantee that you will receive the grant. All applicants will be notified either way.
Deadline to apply is February 15, 2025.
Learn more.
Athlete Development Grants Athlete Development Resources
Horses inspire, motivate, engage and reward us. The Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) & Long Term Equestrian Development (LTED) models strives to cement the lifelong relationship between horse and athlete. As models, LTAD and LTED provides the Canadian equestrian community with a vision to help us improve our infrastructure, programs and initiatives to ensure the best opportunities are available for all athletes and participants – whatever their personal goals or stage of development. It serves as our true north.
Long-Term Equestrian Development 2.0 Information: Horses inspire, motivate, engage and reward us. LTED 2.0 is an athlete development model built upon proven sport principles and customized to equestrian athletes. It provides a clear and effective pathway for all equestrian athletes - regardless of age, experience, or discipline - to enjoy equestrian sport, whether they aim to compete for Canada on the world stage, or ride, drive ...
Club Membership
Equine clubs are the foundation of Manitoba Horse Council and receive one vote on any issue at the MHC Annual General Meeting and/or Council of Clubs meetings. Some items subject to voted approval of MHC member Clubs include: • Provincial or local issues • National issues requiring a Provincial vote • Election of MHC Board of Directors • Approval of MHC By-Law changes
Membership of Manitoba Horse Council's (MHC) club network is for provincial, regional, and local equine organizations (need not be based in Manitoba) which engage in the promotion and development of equestrian sport and recreation activities in Manitoba and which meet the following criteria: 1. Have a minimum of 10 members; 2. Are not-for-profit, volunteer based and democratic; 3. Have a written constitution; 4. Hold regular meetings; 5. Hold elections of directors and officers; 6. Maintain financial records which are available on request to MHC. Membership benefits
Benefits to a club are ...
Coach Grants & Resources
Sport Manitoba, its partners, as well as local and national philanthropists offer a number of scholarships annually, with the shared goal of highlighting athletic success in the province and providing opportunities for those involved in sport to continue growing within their chosen discipline.
Resources and Funding
Member Clubs in Manitoba
Below is an alphabetical order listing of member clubs belonging to Manitoba Horse Council. Contact these clubs for more information on their equestrian activities, how to join, etc. Club Memberships and insurance
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Benefits of being an MHC Member
Automatic Insurance (2023 coverage) $5,000,000 Personal Liability insurance for personal use, ownership or handling of horses. Coverage excludes commercial use of horses - please see Acera Insurance information below. Please direct questions to Acera at 1-800-670-1877 Equine Department $45,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance. Liability insurance for the non-commercial care, custody, control or transport of up to 3 non-owned horses (limits apply).
Just starting out or getting back in the saddle?
Whether you are ready to take your first lesson, or are interested in finding a new place to ride, Manitoba Horse Council is here for you! We understand that the journey into horse sports can be overwhelming, and we want to help simplify the process. Below you will find a collection of links to help you step into the equestrian world.
It is never too late to rekindle your love of horses. If you’re thinking about getting back into the saddle after some time away, you’re not alone – over half of current riders have chosen to take a prolonged period of time out of the saddle at some point, so you're in good company.
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve all but forgotten how to ride or you’ve just taken a short break, there’s a place to get back in the saddle at whatever level you want.
Horse riding is a great way to socialize, learn new skills and boost your sense of wellbeing. While riding may feel daunting, with the right horse and ...
Continuing Education Opportunities Registered Coach Status will disappear by the end of 2024