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English riding is a form of horse riding seen throughout the world. There are many variations, but all feature a flat English saddle without the deep seat, high back or saddle horn seen on a Western saddle nor the knee pads seen on an Australian Stock Saddle. Saddles within the various English disciplines are all designed to allow the horse the freedom to move in the optimal manner for a given task, ranging from classical dressage to horse racing. English bridles also vary in style based on discipline, but most feature some type of noseband as well as closed reins, buckled together at the ends, that prevents them from dropping on the ground if a rider becomes unseated. Clothing for riders in competition is usually based on traditional needs from which a specific style of riding developed, but most standards require, as a minimum, boots; breeches or jodhpurs; a shirt with some form of tie or stock; a hat, cap, or equestrian helmet; and a jacket. English riding is an equestrian discipline with many different ...
What is Equestrian? Getting Started P'tit Trot Program Beginning Riding Lessons English Riding Western Riding Other Disciplines Upcoming Learn to Ride Events
Learning to Ride
So your child loves horses and has expressed a desire to ride? Or maybe you as adult want to start the sport of equestrian and you are not sure where to begin?
You don’t have to incur the expenses of buying and boarding a horse to learn to ride.
Taking lessons at a facility which offers school horses can be the best way for you and yours to begin their equestrian journey.
Choosing a riding facility can seem like a daunting task but there are things you can look for and questions you can ask to help you make an informed decision. Our downloadable Guide for New Riders now available! Click to download PDF version or request a hard copy from the office. Please use the links above to get more information on how to get started on your horse journey... Further questions can be directed to the MHC office at (204) 925-5718 ...
Competition Organizer Resources Medication Control Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships (CIEC) Multi-Discipline Team Challenge (MDTC) Heritage Classic Show Circuit Upcoming Manitoba Competition Events Competitions and COVID-19
When competitions are once again permitted in the province, the 'Return to Competition' Protocols produced by Manitoba Horse Council are the guiding document accepted by the Province.
The Return to Competition protocols will apply whether an event is: formally sanctioned (such as EC Bronze, Silver, Gold competitions, etc.) or nominally sanctioned by MHC because it is held by an MHC member club,
Various other groups unaffiliated with MHC may find the Return to Competition protocols and documents useful. It is the document approved by the province for any equestrian/riding activity, not solely Manitoba Horse Council member events,
With the Return to Competition protocols, various elements come into play: Updated Return to Operations - Fall 2020 - ...
What is the Manitoba Premises Identification program?
Prepared by Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI), the Manitoba Premises Identification program is designed to protect, plan for, and manage livestock, poultry, and equines in health and food safety emergencies by linking animals to a specific location. Examples of emergencies include disease outbreak, flood, or other disaster. The Manitoba Premises Identification (ID) program is now mandatory for equine property owners .
Only have a horse or two in your backyard? Premises identification is for all equine property owners. No herd or flock too small for a premises identification number. CLICK HERE to view the Manitoba Government article titled as such, dated December 12, 2011. How do I obtain a Premises ID number for my property?
Application Form:
Identifying your premises is even simpler now! We now have an application form that is ...
The Daring of Driving
Driving is an unmounted equestrian discipline in which one or more horses pulls the driver(s) in a carriage. Like all equestrian disciplines, driving can be for recreation and pleasure, or for sport. Competitive driving competitions include four-in-hand, pairs, singles, and tandems. There are 3 types of driving competitions: presentation/dressage, marathon, and obstacle driving. A popular combination of these is called Combined Driving.
Combined Driving is the equivalent to ridden eventing (see English), testing the horse and driver’s courage, stamina, and versatility. The three phases include: Dressage (see above) in which the horse, while pulling a carriage, must demonstrate a series of movements and demonstrate willingness, obedience, balance, and suppleness; Marathon in which there are several phases, including the navigation of obstacles over varied terrain where each obstacle has a start and finish and is timed separately; and Obstacles (cones) in which the carriage, ...
Crocus Series Competitions
Manitoba Horse Council offers a grassroots competition program. Prairie Crocus Rule Book 2024
Certificate of Insurance
All competition organizers must have a certificate of insurance upon applying for sanctioning Hosting a Prairie Crocus Competition-All Disciplines-Prize money up to $5000
Step 1: Apply for sanctioning by clicking here.
Step 2: Once the competition is sanctioned and the competition is complete, enter results in this template
Step 3: Show secretary or Show organizer must submit the competition results (by using the template above) no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 4: Show secretary or Show organizer must submit competition demographics no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 5: Judges must submit a post event report no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 6: In the event a Steward or TD is being used, each Steward and TD must complete a post event report no ...
Welcome to the step-by-step MHC Membership system. To begin, click on the Next button above.
Equestrian Canada has compiled information to date (March 19) as well as Tariff Resources for Equine Industry Stakeholders. If you are crossing the border with horses - please read.
Planning and Organizing a Competition Give back to your Volunteers with our Volunteer Recognition Program
Recognize A Volunteer Now!
Organizing a horse show requires long days and even longer days on the actual competition date(s). There are numerous aspects to consider when hosting a competition from deciding what types of classes you would like to offer, having the right insurance, and finding the right official to ensure fair and professional judging. At Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) we want to make your life a little easier by providing you with resources and links to information to ensure a safe and fun competition for all. What is a sanctioned competition?
Hundreds of horse shows are held across the province. While some are sanctioned (approved) by MHC or EC, others are run independently without any sort of endorsement. It is not mandatory to sanction a horse show; however, there are tangible benefits for organizers who choose to register their horse shows. Without sanctioning, EC ...
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BIOSECURITY: Horse health starts on the farm. Biosecurity: Measures that prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases.
Biosecurity planning helps to ensure that practices routinely carried out on your farm are beneficial to the health of your horse(s). By adopting the guidelines below and working with a veterinarian you can play a significant role in keeping your horses and your industry as healthy as possible.