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Club Listings

Member Clubs in Manitoba

Below is an alphabetical order listing of member clubs belonging to Manitoba Horse Council. Contact these clubs for more information on their equestrian activities, how to join, etc. Club Memberships and insurance

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Club Membership

Club Memberships

Membership of Manitoba Horse Council's (MHC) club network is for provincial, regional, and local equine organizations which engage in the promotion and development of equestrian sport and recreation activities in Manitoba and which meet the following criteria:

1. Minimum of 10 members;
2. Not-for-profit, volunteer based and democratic;
3. Written constitution;
4. Regular meetings;
5. Elections of directors and officers;
6. Maintain financial records which are available on request to MHC.
7. Agrees to Dispute Resolution as mandated by Sport Manitoba;
8. Agrees to Safe Sport policies and principles for competition as mandated by national sporting body.

Equine clubs are the foundation of Manitoba Horse Council and receive one vote per issue at the MHC Annual General Meeting and/or Council of Clubs. Some items subject to voted approval of MHC member Clubs include: Election of MHC Board of Directors Approval of MHC By-Law change Provincial or local issues National issues ...


Club Resources

Support for Member Clubs

MHC member Clubs have access to financial assistance through various programs and grants: $2,500 Annual Recreation Grant in total to approved projects. Applications may be received from Member Clubs and individual members for projects designed to aid and enhance the development of recreation-specific projects. MHC's Provincial Clinic Support program is designed to aid Clubs in providing high-caliber clinics and workshops to its members, subject to a maximum available per approved clinic/Club in a calendar year. Program Support Grants available twice each year to support club activities such as clinics, competitions, volunteer awards, bursaries, and equipment purchase/maintenance. The grants are funded by Sport Manitoba and MHC is responsible for reporting activities in a way which supports the Integrated Funding Formula applied by annually by MHC.

Club Information


Manitoba Pony Club Education Camp

Dates : February 14-16
Location: Circle Square Ranch
Contact: Karen McLean at : [email protected]

An educational weekend for all ages and levels of pony club members. Filled with lots of fun and educational activities!


Governance & Contacts

Discover your Manitoba Horse Council

Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) is a not-for-profit organization representing 23 clubs and 1900 individual members involved in equine activity in Manitoba. MHC is the recognized provincial/territorial sport organization for equestrian sport in Manitoba.



Competition Organizer Resources Medication Control Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships (CIEC) Multi-Discipline Team Challenge (MDTC) Heritage Classic Show Circuit Upcoming Manitoba Competition Events Competitions and COVID-19

When competitions are once again permitted in the province, the 'Return to Competition' Protocols produced by Manitoba Horse Council are the guiding document accepted by the Province.

The Return to Competition protocols will apply whether an event is: formally sanctioned (such as EC Bronze, Silver, Gold competitions, etc.) or nominally sanctioned by MHC because it is held by an MHC member club,

Various other groups unaffiliated with MHC may find the Return to Competition protocols and documents useful. It is the document approved by the province for any equestrian/riding activity, not solely Manitoba Horse Council member events,

With the Return to Competition protocols, various elements come into play: Updated Return to Operations - Fall 2020 - ...


Discover Competition

Horse Shows and Competitions

Have you thought about competing in equestrian sport? Competitions, shows and events are a great way to get involved with the horse community and test your skills.

View Competition Calendar

Do you want to compete or organize a competition?

Manitoba Horse Council offers athlete development opportunities as well as resources for clubs and organizers to host sanctioned competitions. Competitors are required to hold valid memberships in order to participate in provincial and national competitions.

Crocus Series Competitions
Manitoba Horse Council offers a grassroots competition program. Prairie Crocus Rule Book 2024 Hosting a Prairie Crocus Event

Step 1: Apply by clicking here
Step 2: Once approved and show is complete, enter results in this template
Step 3: Submit results by clicking here

Apply for a Guest Card

Concussion Awareness For more information on concussions, safety and riding helmets.

Learn More Accidents & Return to Sport ...


Becoming a Coach

Coaching options in Manitoba Grassroots Provincial Coaching Designation NCCP Coaching Certification Alternative approved designations (Pony Club, Cantra, CHA) Become a Provincial Coach Today!

Get Started!


Current Coaches Directory - Other

Manitoba Horse Council recommends that you research qualifications of potential coaches before you select one. The Manitoba Horse Council implements its coaching program under the instruction and umbrella of the National Equestrian Canada / National Coach Certification Program (NCCP).

The Associations or Organizations certifying the coaches below do not provide NCCP certification; however, they do give entry to coaching certification under EC. Certified Horsemanship Association

To promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the entire horse industry. This is accomplished by certifying instructors, accrediting equine facilities and publishing educational resources.

For more information: Certified Horsemanship Association Canadian Pony Club

See website for listings for Canadian Pony Club coaches:

Se website for listings for Manitoba Pony Club coaches

Canadian Pony Club is a member-based association, managed by ...



Join us!

Apply today Serving Manitoba’s Equine Community for 50 years

Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) is the not-for-profit organization representing clubs and individual members involved in equine activity in Manitoba.

MHC provides support, leadership and resources to develop all phases of equestrian sports and to improve and develop equestrian athletes in Manitoba. MHC works to promote the interests of Manitoba’s equestrian enthusiasts and clubs.



Become A Member

Club Membership

Equine clubs are the foundation of Manitoba Horse Council and receive one vote on any issue at the MHC Annual General Meeting and/or Council of Clubs meetings. Some items subject to voted approval of MHC member Clubs include: • Provincial or local issues • National issues requiring a Provincial vote • Election of MHC Board of Directors • Approval of MHC By-Law changes

Membership of Manitoba Horse Council's (MHC) club network is for provincial, regional, and local equine organizations (need not be based in Manitoba) which engage in the promotion and development of equestrian sport and recreation activities in Manitoba and which meet the following criteria: 1. Have a minimum of 10 members; 2. Are not-for-profit, volunteer based and democratic; 3. Have a written constitution; 4. Hold regular meetings; 5. Hold elections of directors and officers; 6. Maintain financial records which are available on request to MHC. Membership benefits

Benefits to a club are ...


Membership Insurance Benefits

Insurance Coverage

Insurance included and/or available as an option with MHC membership is provided to you through Acera Insurance Services Ltd ., (formerly CapriCMW Insurance Services Ltd.) the licensed insurance broker and Administrator for the member insurance program. Any and all enquiries related to insurance MUST BE directed to Acera Insurance at 1-800-670-1877 (equine department). MHC is not licensed to sell or provide counsel on insurance coverage. Insurance premiums are considered fully earned on the date of purchase. Memberships and insurance products cannot be cancelled, are non-refundable and expire December 31 of the member year.


Membership Information

Membership Information

If you are a brand new member OR have been a MHC member in the past who has not used the online membership system before, please create an initial User Name and Password by using the Sign Up page ( you'll be asked to create an account by providing basic contact information):



Manitoba Horse Council Equestrian Facility

The Horse Council operates a 40-acre outdoor equestrian showgrounds in beautiful Birds Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba.

Interested in booking the facility?

Booking Request

Other Documents Facility Amenities Rules of Use Birds Hill Park Map Equestrian Facility Map Barn A Stabling Layout Barn B Stabling Layout EC Guidelines for Equine Competition and Training During Extreme Environment Conditions


Recreational Trails

Use the Trails Guide from your phone!

Click the button below to access this great feature!

Join Us Today !


Prairie Crocus

Crocus Series Competitions
Manitoba Horse Council offers a grassroots competition program. Prairie Crocus Rule Book 2024

Certificate of Insurance

All competition organizers must have a certificate of insurance upon applying for sanctioning Hosting a Prairie Crocus Competition-All Disciplines-Prize money up to $5000

Step 1: Apply for sanctioning by clicking here.
Step 2: Once the competition is sanctioned and the competition is complete, enter results in this template
Step 3: Show secretary or Show organizer must submit the competition results (by using the template above) no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 4: Show secretary or Show organizer must submit competition demographics no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 5: Judges must submit a post event report no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 6: In the event a Steward or TD is being used, each Steward and TD must complete a post event report no ...



2024 EC Temporary Coach Status Read More


Grants & Resources

Athlete Scholarships & Grants


R.D. Payne Equine Scholarship

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an individual striving to advance their equestrian abilities and, ultimately, pursue a career in the equine industry. Deadline to apply: 4:30 p.m. Second Friday in September.

Learn More



Coaching Certifications

Equestrian Canada (NCCP) Coach Certification

In Manitoba, all coaches are required to register with MHC and su bmit their professional development information annually. MHC is dedicated to providing instructors/coaches with the necessary tools to create a welcoming, inclusive and safe equestrian experience for all participants, horse and human, and to develop excellence in horsemanship. MHC is committed to the Equestrian Canada National Coaching Certification Program (EC NCCP) as it is: The only Canadian equestrian coaching and instructor certification program It is recognized national and internationally for its safety standards.


Current Coaches Directory - NCCP

Researching A Coach

Manitoba Horse Council recommends that you research the qualifications of potential coaches before you select one. Manitoba Horse Council implements its coaching program under the instruction and umbrella of the National Equestrian Canada / National Coach Certification Program. Equestrian Canada/NCCP Coach Directory

Find a Coach

The Associations or Organizations certifying the coaches below do not provide NCCP certification; however, they do give entry to coaching certification under EC.


Getting Started

Just starting out or getting back in the saddle?

Whether you are ready to take your first lesson, or are interested in finding a new place to ride, Manitoba Horse Council is here for you! We understand that the journey into horse sports can be overwhelming, and we want to help simplify the process. Below you will find a collection of links to help you step into the equestrian world.

It is never too late to rekindle your love of horses. If you’re thinking about getting back into the saddle after some time away, you’re not alone – over half of current riders have chosen to take a prolonged period of time out of the saddle at some point, so you're in good company.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve all but forgotten how to ride or you’ve just taken a short break, there’s a place to get back in the saddle at whatever level you want.

Horse riding is a great way to socialize, learn new skills and boost your sense of wellbeing. While riding may feel daunting, with the right horse and ...


Road Safety Handbook

Promoting safe road sharing for horses and vehicles

Hand Signals used by Horse Riders According to Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act, horse riders and drivers of horse-drawn carriages have the same right to use the road as other users and must follow the same rules, but many motorists, bikers, cyclists and other road users are unaware of their own responsibilities in road sharing.

Member Login

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Contact Us

Diane David - Executive Director
(204) 925-5719
[email protected]

Kylee Tonita - Technical Coordinator
Coaching, Officials & Events
[email protected]

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