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Planning and Organizing a Competition Give back to your Volunteers with our Volunteer Recognition Program
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Organizing a horse show requires long days and even longer days on the actual competition date(s). There are numerous aspects to consider when hosting a competition from deciding what types of classes you would like to offer, having the right insurance, and finding the right official to ensure fair and professional judging. At Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) we want to make your life a little easier by providing you with resources and links to information to ensure a safe and fun competition for all. What is a sanctioned competition?
Hundreds of horse shows are held across the province. While some are sanctioned (approved) by MHC or EC, others are run independently without any sort of endorsement. It is not mandatory to sanction a horse show; however, there are tangible benefits for organizers who choose to register their horse shows. Without sanctioning, EC ...
What was the CIEC?
Held for 5 years with the last being event being 2017, the Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships was a team event, and a sanctioned Equestrian Canada (EC) competition. It offered athletes in the Learning and Training to Compete and the Learning and Training to Win stages within the Long-Term Equestrian Development (LTED) model, the opportunity to test their skills against their peers from across Canada.
It was a collaborative event between the national and provincial sport organizations governing equestrian competition, whereby provincial/territorial sport organizations field teams representing their respective province/territory. It also acted as a key event in the development of equestrian’s next generation of national, international and world champions. It was a platform for talent identification for athletes, coaches and officials.
Join horse enthusiasts across the country supporting the interests of equestrian sport, recreation and industry.
The Manitoba Horse Council (MHC), along with 10 other provinces and territory, is a Provincial/Territorial Sports Organization (PTSO) member in good standing with Equestrian Canada (EC).
To be eligible to apply for Equestrian Canada Competitive Sport Licenses, enter into the EC Learn to Ride, Coaching, and Official Certification and Recognition programs, purchase EC Horse Passports, and access other EC programs, Manitobans must first be a member of MHC.
MHC Provincial Officials
All MHC Officials are required to complete their application on a yearly basis (resetting on January). If you are an EC, CHA, AQHA, etc judge you can be used as a judge in the province with a guest card. If you are NOT on this list, but should be complete the form below. Lynne Miller-General Performance Judge & Hunter Jumper Judge [email protected]
Shandi Jonasson-General Performance [email protected]
Jane Haglund-Scott-Hunter Jumper Judge [email protected] Ashely Fudge-Dressage Judge [email protected] Application to become an Official Equestrian Canada Officials Directory
To find an official for your next event
Check the Directory
Upcoming Events
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MHC wants to encourage everyone participating in a clinic to check your clinicians credentials. This calendar includes events sponsored by MHC as well as those run independently in order to give our members a comprehensive look at events across the province.
Please click on the calendar event to see more information.
Coach Grants & Resources
Sport Manitoba, its partners, as well as local and national philanthropists offer a number of scholarships annually, with the shared goal of highlighting athletic success in the province and providing opportunities for those involved in sport to continue growing within their chosen discipline.
Resources and Funding
Horse Week is held annually to promote and celebrate Manitoba's thriving horse industry. A wide range of activities are held across the province, including trail rides, horse shows, charity events and open houses to allow horse enthusiasts and the public alike to celebrate horses! Everyone is encouraged to participate.
All events, regardless of size, take place in the first two weeks of June can apply for Horse Week status and be promoted through MHC.
MHC Horse Week objectives:
Create Awareness
Promote economic impact and significance of Manitoba’s horse industry
Endorse horse welfare
Promote the variety of breeds and disciplines
Provide Education
Identify the benefits that horses and riding provide
Teach the importance of safety around horses
Recognize the importance of recognized riding schools and certified instructors/coaches
Increase Participation
Encourage and increase the practice of equestrian sport and recreation activity in Manitoba and Canada ...
Competition Organizer Resources Medication Control Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships (CIEC) Multi-Discipline Team Challenge (MDTC) Heritage Classic Show Circuit Upcoming Manitoba Competition Events Competitions and COVID-19
When competitions are once again permitted in the province, the 'Return to Competition' Protocols produced by Manitoba Horse Council are the guiding document accepted by the Province.
The Return to Competition protocols will apply whether an event is: formally sanctioned (such as EC Bronze, Silver, Gold competitions, etc.) or nominally sanctioned by MHC because it is held by an MHC member club,
Various other groups unaffiliated with MHC may find the Return to Competition protocols and documents useful. It is the document approved by the province for any equestrian/riding activity, not solely Manitoba Horse Council member events,
With the Return to Competition protocols, various elements come into play: Updated Return to Operations - Fall 2020 - ...
BIOSECURITY: Horse health starts on the farm. Biosecurity: Measures that prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases.
Biosecurity planning helps to ensure that practices routinely carried out on your farm are beneficial to the health of your horse(s). By adopting the guidelines below and working with a veterinarian you can play a significant role in keeping your horses and your industry as healthy as possible.
Discover your Manitoba Horse Council
Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) is a not-for-profit organization representing 23 clubs and 1900 individual members involved in equine activity in Manitoba. MHC is the recognized provincial/territorial sport organization for equestrian sport in Manitoba.
Officials Grants and Assistance
Manitoba Horse Council Officials Assistance Programs
Under construction.
Equestrian Canada Officials
Click the button to pull up all Manitoba EC-certified officials, or search a discipline, name etc.
Find an Official
Use the Trails Guide from your phone!
Click the button below to access this great feature!
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Responsible Horse Ownership
Encouraging and supporting responsible horse ownership is the cornerstone of horse health and welfare. At MHC, we want to provide the information and resources horse owners need to ensure that every horse - from companion to elite athlete - thrives throughout their life. We support the work of the World Horse Welfare agency and their work to improve the lives of horses and the horse-human partnership in all of its forms. World Horse Welfare VISIT WEBSITE
Athlete Scholarships & Grants
R.D. Payne Equine Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an individual striving to advance their equestrian abilities and, ultimately, pursue a career in the equine industry. Deadline to apply: 4:30 p.m. Second Friday in September.
Learn More
Insurance Coverage
Insurance included and/or available as an option with MHC membership is provided to you through Acera Insurance Services Ltd ., (formerly CapriCMW Insurance Services Ltd.) the licensed insurance broker and Administrator for the member insurance program. Any and all enquiries related to insurance MUST BE directed to Acera Insurance at 1-800-670-1877 (equine department). MHC is not licensed to sell or provide counsel on insurance coverage. Insurance premiums are considered fully earned on the date of purchase. Memberships and insurance products cannot be cancelled, are non-refundable and expire December 31 of the member year.