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Manitoba Horse Council Equestrian Facility - Bird's Hill Park

MHC Equestrian Centre Facilities

Manitoba Horse Council owns and operates its Equestrian Facility in beautiful Bird's Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba.

The MHC Equestrian Facility is built on approximately 40 acres of land leased from the Provincial government. It has undergone numerous upgrades over past years to ensure this 1967 and 1999 Pan American Games site remains current - not only for equestrian enthusiasts but for all who visit. Interested in booking the Facility for an event, competition, clinic, or camp?

Facility Rentals

Download our Facility Brochure

Contact the Manitoba Horse Council office at (204) 925-5719 or email [email protected]


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Manitoba Horse Council Equestrian Facility Rentals

MHC Equestrian Facility Rental Forms



Manitoba Horse Council Equestrian Facility

The Horse Council operates a 40-acre outdoor equestrian showgrounds in beautiful Birds Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba.

Interested in booking the facility?

Booking Request

Other Documents Facility Amenities Rules of Use Birds Hill Park Map Equestrian Facility Map Barn A Stabling Layout Barn B Stabling Layout EC Guidelines for Equine Competition and Training During Extreme Environment Conditions



NOMINATE SOMEONE FOR AN AWARD Recognizing and celebrating excellence is a way to boost our collective confidence and motivation. The Manitoba Horse Council Annual Awards honour the achievements of deserving members within our equine community. These awards are a way to acknowledge those individuals who make a positive difference to our community and those who make significant strides in their discipline. The Awards committee encourages those submitting nominations to include as much detail as possible to help define their nominee’s impact and achievement. Download criteria Nomination Deadline: March 31 Award Nomination Forms: EC Licensed Coach of the Year MHC Provincial Coach of the Year Athlete of the Year (Adult and Youth) Sportsperson of the Year Volunteer of the Year Equine of the Year (Sport and Non-sport) Facility/Stable of the Year Official of the Year MHC Legacy Award General Requirements

Nominations are only accepted through the online nomination forms. Nominators must be MHC members, or the ...


Learn to Ride

Learn to Ride

The following riding/driving programs are supported by MHC. Ask your coach/instructor/trainer which program they use in their lessons.

Only EC licensed and NCCP certified coaches/instructors can evaluate riders in the EC Learn to Ride program

Coach Directory

The Equestrian Canada (EC), Learn to Ride program is aimed at individuals who wish to become well-rounded riders, able to care for, understand and ride their horses in a correct and safe manner. The Program is available for both English and Western Disciplines. English Rider Level 1-10

Introduces the basics of horsemanship and rider skills covering the basics of riding progressing in skill and learning to Level 10 for high performance athletes. Western Rider Levels 1-4

Begins with the basics and progresses to speed and performance classes. Wish to be evaluated?

Complete the Candidate Application Form . Are you a facility who wishes to host an evaluation?
Complete the Host application Form.

Are you a ...



Competition Organizer Resources Medication Control Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships (CIEC) Multi-Discipline Team Challenge (MDTC) Heritage Classic Show Circuit Upcoming Manitoba Competition Events Competitions and COVID-19

When competitions are once again permitted in the province, the 'Return to Competition' Protocols produced by Manitoba Horse Council are the guiding document accepted by the Province.

The Return to Competition protocols will apply whether an event is: formally sanctioned (such as EC Bronze, Silver, Gold competitions, etc.) or nominally sanctioned by MHC because it is held by an MHC member club,

Various other groups unaffiliated with MHC may find the Return to Competition protocols and documents useful. It is the document approved by the province for any equestrian/riding activity, not solely Manitoba Horse Council member events,

With the Return to Competition protocols, various elements come into play: Updated Return to Operations - Fall 2020 - ...


Learn To Ride

What is Equestrian? Getting Started P'tit Trot Program Beginning Riding Lessons English Riding Western Riding Other Disciplines Upcoming Learn to Ride Events

Learning to Ride

So your child loves horses and has expressed a desire to ride? Or maybe you as adult want to start the sport of equestrian and you are not sure where to begin?

You don’t have to incur the expenses of buying and boarding a horse to learn to ride.

Taking lessons at a facility which offers school horses can be the best way for you and yours to begin their equestrian journey.

Choosing a riding facility can seem like a daunting task but there are things you can look for and questions you can ask to help you make an informed decision. Our downloadable Guide for New Riders now available! Click to download PDF version or request a hard copy from the office. Please use the links above to get more information on how to get started on your horse journey... Further questions can be directed to the MHC office at (204) 925-5718 ...


Become A Member

Club Membership

Equine clubs are the foundation of Manitoba Horse Council and receive one vote on any issue at the MHC Annual General Meeting and/or Council of Clubs meetings. Some items subject to voted approval of MHC member Clubs include: • Provincial or local issues • National issues requiring a Provincial vote • Election of MHC Board of Directors • Approval of MHC By-Law changes

Membership of Manitoba Horse Council's (MHC) club network is for provincial, regional, and local equine organizations (need not be based in Manitoba) which engage in the promotion and development of equestrian sport and recreation activities in Manitoba and which meet the following criteria: 1. Have a minimum of 10 members; 2. Are not-for-profit, volunteer based and democratic; 3. Have a written constitution; 4. Hold regular meetings; 5. Hold elections of directors and officers; 6. Maintain financial records which are available on request to MHC. Membership benefits

Benefits to a club are ...


Sale Items

Bird's Hill Park Facility Used Items for Sale

Dressage Letters

Jump Cups

Dressage Ring Items

Lawn Mowers



4 Drawer Cabinet


Desk and Lumber

Desk Bases

Dark Wood Desk

5 Chairs

Flat Jump Panels

Dressage Flower Containers

Metal Hook Rod



Join us!

Apply today Serving Manitoba’s Equine Community for 50 years

Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) is the not-for-profit organization representing clubs and individual members involved in equine activity in Manitoba.

MHC provides support, leadership and resources to develop all phases of equestrian sports and to improve and develop equestrian athletes in Manitoba. MHC works to promote the interests of Manitoba’s equestrian enthusiasts and clubs.



Membership Insurance Benefits

Insurance Coverage

Insurance included and/or available as an option with MHC membership is provided to you through Acera Insurance Services Ltd ., (formerly CapriCMW Insurance Services Ltd.) the licensed insurance broker and Administrator for the member insurance program. Any and all enquiries related to insurance MUST BE directed to Acera Insurance at 1-800-670-1877 (equine department). MHC is not licensed to sell or provide counsel on insurance coverage. Insurance premiums are considered fully earned on the date of purchase. Memberships and insurance products cannot be cancelled, are non-refundable and expire December 31 of the member year.


Governance & Contacts

Discover your Manitoba Horse Council

Manitoba Horse Council (MHC) is a not-for-profit organization representing 23 clubs and 1900 individual members involved in equine activity in Manitoba. MHC is the recognized provincial/territorial sport organization for equestrian sport in Manitoba.



Prairie Crocus

Crocus Series Competitions
Manitoba Horse Council offers a grassroots competition program. Prairie Crocus Rule Book 2024

Certificate of Insurance

All competition organizers must have a certificate of insurance upon applying for sanctioning Hosting a Prairie Crocus Competition-All Disciplines-Prize money up to $5000

Step 1: Apply for sanctioning by clicking here.
Step 2: Once the competition is sanctioned and the competition is complete, enter results in this template
Step 3: Show secretary or Show organizer must submit the competition results (by using the template above) no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 4: Show secretary or Show organizer must submit competition demographics no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 5: Judges must submit a post event report no later than 10 days after the competition by clicking here
Step 6: In the event a Steward or TD is being used, each Steward and TD must complete a post event report no ...


Club Membership

Club Memberships

Membership of Manitoba Horse Council's (MHC) club network is for provincial, regional, and local equine organizations which engage in the promotion and development of equestrian sport and recreation activities in Manitoba and which meet the following criteria:

1. Minimum of 10 members;
2. Not-for-profit, volunteer based and democratic;
3. Written constitution;
4. Regular meetings;
5. Elections of directors and officers;
6. Maintain financial records which are available on request to MHC.
7. Agrees to Dispute Resolution as mandated by Sport Manitoba;
8. Agrees to Safe Sport policies and principles for competition as mandated by national sporting body.

Equine clubs are the foundation of Manitoba Horse Council and receive one vote per issue at the MHC Annual General Meeting and/or Council of Clubs. Some items subject to voted approval of MHC member Clubs include: Election of MHC Board of Directors Approval of MHC By-Law change Provincial or local issues National issues ...


Equine Biosecurity

BIOSECURITY: Horse health starts on the farm. Biosecurity: Measures that prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases.

Biosecurity planning helps to ensure that practices routinely carried out on your farm are beneficial to the health of your horse(s). By adopting the guidelines below and working with a veterinarian you can play a significant role in keeping your horses and your industry as healthy as possible.


Emergency Plans

Emergency Plans

MHC Emergency Help for Equines & Equine Owners

Manitoba Horse Council has maintained a resource list of individuals and businesses that have generously offered to aid equines and equine owners in an emergency situation (eg. flood evacuation) by providing temporary stabling / acreage for equines, or equine transportation. Note: This does not constitute emergency veterinarian care or regular situations and duties overseen by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or city police (911)



Directions to the Park

GPS Coordinates: 50.02825, -96.87816

Download Map of Park


Horse Health and Welfare

Responsible Horse Ownership

Encouraging and supporting responsible horse ownership is the cornerstone of horse health and welfare. At MHC, we want to provide the information and resources horse owners need to ensure that every horse - from companion to elite athlete - thrives throughout their life. We support the work of the World Horse Welfare agency and their work to improve the lives of horses and the horse-human partnership in all of its forms. World Horse Welfare VISIT WEBSITE


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Contact Us

Diane David - Executive Director
(204) 925-5719
[email protected]

Kylee Tonita - Technical Coordinator
Coaching, Officials & Events
[email protected]

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